Starting tomorrow I will embark on a year long experiment to start practicing what I preach. I have dreamed most of my life of being able to farm, hunt, and fish for a living. To basicly be able to survive and make a living by myself without having to go anywhere else for my money.
I've also had enough of going into a store to give them my hard earned money and being treated like I owe them something because I chose to shop there. They don't keep their shelves stocked half the time, they over charge what the products worth, and most times the products are not good for us or they are poorly made with low quality parts and workmanship. The other day I bought a T-shirt with an American flag on it that wasn't even made in the U.S.A. Enough is enough! Our economy is failing, we need to find a better way to live, supply our needs, and save money that we will need for other things later on.
Another issue troubling America is our health. We have become a nation of sickly folks. There is no P.E. in schools anymore. Our children spend most of their time in front of a video game, our a computer the majority of each day. Anyway we can get out of physical work we do. There is nothing wrong with resting, but somewhere along the way you have to do something to rest from. Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer kill millions every year. A little excercise could go along way toward preventing some of this. Eating home grown and raised food would be an improvement to many folks considering ths horror stories in the news today of what they are putting into our food.
So starting tomorrow join in as I start practicing what I preach and document the daily grind and changes I'll be going through to see if I can be as self sufficient as possible and still survive. I'll try to show ways I've figured out to earn a dollar and stretch a dollar. I too have gotten out of shape since my boyhood days of playing ball.I need to shape up hopefully to prevent the health pitfalls of old age. In the morning my new workout regime begins. Since I'm not a millionaire, everything I do will things anyone else can do. No money required, & no gym memberships. What we have to shop for we will try to avoid the big stores as much as possible, there are other ways to get what we need. The more options we have the better it is for us.
Come check out how the poor folks live, it might be better for you than you think.
Jim Cobb Coleman.
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