Sunday, December 8, 2013


     Once again it's hunting season. Normally my favorite time of the year. This is the time of the year I live for. The days grow shorter, the air gets a cooler bite to it, and the leaves begin to change color and migrate to the forest floor.

     But this year is different. As I stated in a earlier post, everything is different this year. I lost my Dad a few months ago and my heart just isn't into it for some reason. I go. I still want to kill food for the table, and a trophy for the wall, but it's different.

     I've seen a lot of deer this year, but not as many as last year. I've killed a few animals so far, one of my freezers is almost full. But it's not the same.

     I got a nice 170lb , 8 pointer . He had a tall rack with tall eye guards, and his tips almost touch. But it's not the same any more.

     I've taken a few good meat hogs for the table, and a nice 220lb boar with decent cutters , but I feel like I'm walking through zombie land. I'm just there, just going through the motions, not really into it just robotically killing time because that's what I'm supposed to do.

     I still love hunting, I live to be in the woods, to take game and butcher it and feed my family for the coming year. It's just not the same anymore. I guess I'm still a kid at heart wanting to come home after the hunt and share my hunt with my Dad. The one who taught me to love this way of life, to be  what I grew up to be . A hunter.

     Maybe as they say, time heals all wounds. Maybe not. Time will tell. I will never forget my Dad or the lessons he taught me. Every time I step into the woods, a farm field , or a boat I know he will be with me. He gave me these passions, I love them, and they are me.

     I miss you Dad.

Jim Cobb Coleman.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


     It's a dreary day here in Bullfrog Bottom. We've had a slight drizzle going on for a few days now. The fog is hanging low like a scene from an old time horror movie. I eased down into the back 40 to check my game camera for sign of deer crossing through my property.

     It is very muggy out, hard to believe it's December. Nothing is moving out but a few squirrels who jump from tree to tree overhead as I ease through the bottom, drenching me with raindrops . After retrieving my camera I headed back to the house to see what I have on camera and get another cup of coffee. A group of does are easing through during the middle of the day eating the last of my white oak acorns from my trees.

     First dry day I have time I'll try to go sit in the stand and see what happens. In a few hours I am going to take my Mother to her Dr's appointment. Tonight we will work on decorating for Christmas some more , hopefully we'll get through by this weekend.

Monday, December 2, 2013


     I haven't posted in a long time. Life is complicated. Sometimes things happen and you get busy and time slips away. Well, no more apologies, or excuses, it is what it is.

     I lost my Dad on August 14 of this year. After that life has been a blur. The day before was my Wife and I's 25th wedding anniversary. I was headed to my EMT-Basic class when I got the call my Dad had fell out. My Mom was frantic. She was so upset she couldn't dial 911. She grabbed the cell phone with my programmed number in it to call me for help.

     I called 911, then my wife, then my teacher and then headed to Mom & Dad's. The ambulance was already there. When I entered the house Mom was going crazy upset about Dad. I tried to calm her down, then I looked to Dad. The Paramedics and firemen were already there when I arrived and they were performing CPR on Dad. One of the Paramedics knew me from when I road clinicals on the ambulance he put me to work. He asked me to put tools in the jump bag, they asked me to help get Dad on the backboard, and clear a path out of the house. Once on the street at the ambulance he asked me to hold a tube they had drilled into Dad's leg so he could tape it down. Then he turned and asked me what I was doing there, I said " man that's my Dad ". He told me man I'm sorry I just thought you were here and stopped to help.

     I told him I understood just do what you need to do. I looked over at the heart monitor it was flat lined. They took off to the hospital. Those guys worked their butts off on my Dad all the way. The rest of the day & night ambulance staff kept checking in on us in the ER as they made deliveries. It meant a lot!

     Dad stayed in Trauma 1 unit of the ER until the next afternoon. We were there all night and day. A Dr. sent Dad for a neurological test and when he came back they told us Dad was already brain dead the machine was all that was keeping him alive. The Dr. said he had already called time of death. A short time later they disconnected the machine and Dad was gone. I was kneeling at his bed side holding his hand when he passed. He was wore out and he couldn't fight anymore.

     I miss him more everyday.

     Time since then has flown by. The hectic funeral arrangements, trying to help my Mother with all the financial, legal, and medical business after a death takes time. It's Dec. now and they still haven't got his permanent gravestone down yet.

     Mom is trying to cope with living alone, but it's a big adjustment after 53 years of living with someone to be alone everyday. I'm over as much as possible and try to be available when ever Mom has an appointment but she's still lonely.

     This is hunting season . The time of year I live for, but it's not the same anymore. I can't go into the woods without thinking of Dad. I've killed some deer & hogs but it's not right. I'm not enjoying myself. I've missed more deer this year than I've ever in my life and something inside doesn't really care. I always went and showed my deer to my Dad, but this year when I got my big 8 ptr there was no one I could talk to who would understand what it meant to me.

     I finished my EMT-Basic classed and passed with a 88.3 average. I then went to take the National Registry Exam so I can be an EMT and failed it.I don't know what happened, there was things on the test I had never heard of. Something inside felt really hurt that I didn't do better. Something inside me didn't really care. I can retake the test, but what can I do to make the outcome different.

     Deer season is almost over, Halloween, & Thanksgiving came and went , and soon Christmas will be here but it's all just another day.

   Jim Cobb Coleman